
To make it easier to work with your declarations, the website allows you to save, search and process the declarations.

  • Pre-entered ingredients (from various food tables)
  • Self-entered ingredients (simple and compound)
  • Sub-recipes/semi-finished products for use in recipes
  • Recipes/finished products with final declaration

You can also use the website if you only need nutritional calculation and perhaps allergen registration (i.e. not a full food declaration). For example, eateries, cookbook authors and food bloggers who want nutritional info on menus or recipes.


It is a clear choice that no resources have been spent on 'a fancy layout' – the website just needs to be functional, 'input-friendly' and easily accessible. Therefore, it is free to use the website in a single-user version with the very basic functions that are necessary for a Danish-language food declaration.

In addition, it is possible to purchase a subscription to one or more smart extra functions. As a new customer, you get these add-ons as a demo for 3 months, after which you can choose to subscribe to any of these. When you subscribe, you also get free email support in the use of the website. See price list and terms and conditions for further information.

It is possible to expand the system with more users and possibly more departments, each with its own users.